Результаты выставки:

кобели/ males

класс щенков/ puppy class:

577- Harem do Sertao( Amazonas Tibaita Brenda & Gala Zd Do Baicuara),br: Castro,Andre Costa, own.: Karapetyan T..   Photo.

Very PR, CW, Best of Puppy

класс юниоров/ junior class:

578- Kabul de el Carnicero( Zidani Dj Do Bronquinha & Inca Del Carnicero) -Was absent.

класс интермедия/ intermed class:

579-Calvagio for the Rarity tiger collection( Aizek for the Rarity tiger collection & Barbara for the Rarity tiger collection), br.:Karapetyan T.,ow.: Karapetyan T..  Photo.

Excellent, CW, CAC.

открытый класс/ open class:

580- Mauritsyo for the Rarity tiger collection( Aizek for the Rarity tiger collection & Baby for the Rarity tiger collection), br.: Karapetyan T., ow.: Duhova I.Photo.

Excellent, CW, CAC.

класс чемпионов/ champion class:

581- Besso Dos( Grand Vesta Godfree & Itabira riu Dosi), br.: Krasilnikova S., ow.: Ushkova E..   Photo.

3 - Excellent

582- My Small Beautiful Boy( Demyen & Luch Solntsa Josephine), br.:Eliseev P., ow.: Eliseev P..   Photo.

2 - Excellent

583- Irvindt for the Rarity tiger collection( Аmigo for the Rarity tiger collection & ,Gvendelyn for the Rarity tiger collection),br.: Karapetyan T., ow. Chichagova А..    Photo.

4 - Excellent

584- Richard( Brazilskiy Talisman Argo & Ricky), br.: Frantsuzova, ow.: Kuzmina M..    Photo.

 1 -Excellent, CW, CACIB.  









суки/ females

класс щенков/ puppy class:

585-   Olda Dolche dlja tigrovoi kollektsii Rarity(  Aizek for the Rarity tiger collection & Barbara for the Rarity tiger collection ),br.: Karapetyan T., ow. Chichagova А..    Photo.

Very PR.

586-   Ortessa Di Roma dlja tigrovoi kollektsii Rarity(  Aizek for the Rarity tiger collection & Barbara for the Rarity tiger collection ),br.: Karapetyan T., ow. Rodichkyn..    Photo.

Very PR. CW

класс юниоров/ junior class:

587- Farinha do Sertao(Funny)( Zidani Dj Do Bronquinha & Enie Tc Do Baicuara), br: Castro,Andre Costa, own.: Karapetyan T..   Photo.

Excellent, Best Junior, Jun. CAC, CW

класс интермедиа/ intermed class:

588-Nimua for the Rarity tiger collection( Brabus for the Rarity tiger collection & Bagira for the Rarity tiger collection ), br.: Karapetyan T., ow. Rodichkyn S..    Photo.

Excellent, CW, CAC, R.CACIB.

589-Strazh Alkatratca Tcefeya( Alaketus Dardo &  Dacota), br.:Protopopova M., ow.: Chinyaeva J..      Photo.

Very Good.

открытый класс/ open class:

590- Filissya ( Bronislav & Pamella), br.: Hrustalyova N.,ow.: Hrustalyova N..       Photo.

Excellent, CAC.

класс чемпионов/ champion class:

591- Bachio for the Rarity tiger collection( Personal Bodyguard Porang & Rarity Birgit),br.: Karapetyan T., ow.: Karapetyan T..     Photo.

1- Excellent, CW, CACIB, BEST OF BREED !

592- Kabekudo Dalia( Alaketus Dardo &  Alaketus Ingrid),br.: Savinova, Golubtcova,ow.: Golubtcova I..        Photo.

 3- Excellent.

593-Grand Vesta Gabby(Alaketus Dardo & Felso Dunamenti Cafka),br.: Eryomina, ow.:Alekseeva O..        Photo.

2- Excellent.





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